This was the Fair Fashion Night. And I was also chosen to present an intermission number for the event. It was epic, I had a lot of fun. I hope that it will happen when I got in Grade8.
Over the years there have been occasional incidents and skirmishes, some of them quite serious. U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson was visiting Seoul in November, year 1996 when North Korean infiltrators ambushed the American Patrol. The incident sparked a low-intensity-conflict that made a hundreds of koreans and dozens of americans dead. The 38th parallel northwhich divides the Korean Peninsula roughly in half was the original boundary between the United States and Soviet Union's brief. Upon the creation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, informally "North Korea" and the Republic of Korea informally "South Korea". It became a international boarder and one of the most tense fonts in the Cold War. It was since July 17,1953. The DMZ is built to make a boarder barrier that divides Korean Peninsula roughly in half, to make a buffer zone between North Korea and South Korea. It makes a territory on both side to cease the fire line as its...
My Experience On Sharing Blessings On December.18, 2019, was the day when we thought of giving back to the janitors as a sign of how thankful we are of how they help us in making our school campus clean. What I experienced when we were in the making of this is that how we should sort things that are needed to be bought in a certain amount of money. I wasn’t really a part of the buying but I was part on how our money reached to what amount it should be to be able to buy such goods for our janitor. After the second day of our 3rd quarterly exam, we directly approached our janitor who was mopping the floor outside of the campus and gave him the goods that were for him. He said thank you and we took a photo together which can be seen above. This experience made me realize how happy a person could be just having a ble...
Family Day 2019 Last January.28,2019, we had our Family Day and I must say it was really fun. There were a lot of games for the different levels and of course there were prizes that added a lot of fun. We also have competitions like I Got it from my MOM/DAD talent show. This picture is a picture that shows how much I enjoyed the Family Day with my friends. This picture is same as my first picture but this picture also shows our reunion with my bestie in Grade 6. At the left side. This picture is the baby of my dearest Miss Jeanille, I pictured her baby because of his big round eyes and his cuteness. This picture is a picture of me and my mother whom attended our Family Day and came to be accompany.
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